Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dear God,

Today I was asked to meditate and really think about who I am and what I want to become. I was asked to imagine where I wanted to be in a year, or five or where I wanted to end up.

I am a woman of God. Do I follow your teachings to every singe word? No. Do I always emulate what it is to be a woman of God? No. I am a good, kind, loving person. I am smart and great at communicating. I am beautiful.

A year from now I will be working hard for a great corporation where I have room to grow in. I will love my job. I will have people who love me in my life. I will be living in my own apartment. I will have my own car. I will be making at least $55,000 a year.

Five years from now I will be working at the highest position. I will adore my job. I would be helping manage and run the company. I will be at a point where I would be married and ready to have children. I will own a car. I will be making at least $75,000 a year.

On my retirement day, I will have a fantastic corporation that I would be willing to sell. I will have a grown child who is smart and confident. I will still be married. I will own my own home. I will have travelled. I will have felt successful.

Help me make those statements a reality Lord. Remind me who I am and what I want for myself.

Forever Yours, Hya

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